we all have our stories,
and this is ours
At the end of 2019, on the eve of the pandemic, we produced a show called LUCIDITY. It was the first of what has now become a series of projects. We are still continuing to grow the initiative to reach more audiences in more locations. Want to collaborate? There are many ways to get involved from sharing stories to performing with us... we invite you to join us on our mission to end the stigma!
brightness; luminosity
the quality of being easily understood
“We feel it is incredibly important to erase the stigma around mental illness. Not only does this open up the space for us to become more self-aware and kind to ourselves, but it also creates a supportive environment where we can understand and care for each other.”
-Evolve Dynamicz
“When the 2021 Olympics pole vaulted the topic of mental health and athletics to international attention, I immediately thought of Evolve Dynamicz 2019 LUCIDITY concert. LUCIDITY didn't just present dances that expressed how it feels to live with mental health conditions, they created a supportive environment for artists, medical professionals, and audience members to share questions, resources, and stories together. As we grapple with life after the Great Lockdown, we need artists like Lisa and Nicole more than ever to guide us into meaningful exchanges about preventative care, compassion, and vulnerability.”
— karen Krolak, Monkeyhouse. 2021
LUCIDITY was a full evening length work of vignettes exploring the topic of mental health. Evolve Dynamicz told their stories of mental health through dance and choreography and were joined by performers of This is My Brave who also shared their experiences through storytelling. The evening ended with a discussion, led by Nicole Harris of MonkeyHouse, between performers and audience members with input from a panel of mental health professionals. And the compassion in the theater was especially palpable.
If you'd like to book us for another rendition of LUCIDITY, please reach out at evolvedynamicz@gmail.com or submit through our contact form below.
Support our work
Evolve Dynamicz is a member of the Boston Dance Alliance, a 501(c)(3) non-profit tax exempt organization. Donations in support of Evolve Dynamicz's work are greatly appreciated and may be made to Boston Dance Alliance earmarked for "Evolve Dynamicz." All donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Further iterations of the project
In 2020 while we were all feeling lost and confused, we decided to come together virtually to connect on a level that was not physically possible; with our hands. The "lucidity-evolved" project became a community-based film, and we are so thankful to all of those who took part
Check out our Lucidity Evolved page to learn more!
Now that it's 2021, and we've almost figured out how to function in the pandemic era... we are putting together another show to engage with our communities. “REVIVE,” comprised of a dynamic range of improvised pieces, is a reminder of the strength and resilience inherent to communities. Join us in the magic of raw & real improvised movement!
REVIVE a night of community healing, learn more here!